Oily Skin

Oily Skin: Natural and Fast Solution

Oily skin is a common skin issue many people face and typically arises due to hormonal changes, genetic factors, and other environmental factors. The effects of oily skin include the production of excessive oil called sebum, which can lead to acne and blackheads. Wiwify's online store offers solutions tailored for oily skin type with natural, alcohol-free, and vegan skin care products.

Causes of Oily Skin

Hormone Levels: Hormonal changes can lead the oil glands to work more and produce more oil.
Genetic Factors: Your parents' skin type plays a significant role in your skin type. If oily skin is common in your family, you might also face this issue.
Stress: Stress can increase the production of hormones called androgens, causing oiliness in the skin.
Makeup Products: Incorrectly chosen makeup and skincare products can clog the pores and increase oil production.
Diet: Consumption of oily and processed foods can trigger oily skin.

Effects of Oily Skin

Acne and Pimples: Blocked pores and excessive oil production increase the risk of bacterial growth and inflammation, leading to the formation of acne and pimples.
Blackheads: Blackheads, which clog the pores by combining oil and dirt, often appear on oily skin.
Enlarged Pores: Excessive oil production can cause the pores to enlarge, making them appear larger over time.
Shiny Skin: Those with oily skin may feel a constant shine on their face, which can create insecurity.

Solutions Against Oily Skin with Wiwify Products

Niacinamide Serum: Niacinamide regulates sebum production and calms the skin by reducing inflammation, thereby lowering the risk of acne and pimples.
Red Peeling Serum: It helps to increase the overall brightness of the skin by removing dead cells and dirt on the skin surface, leading to cleaner pores.
Facial Cleansing Gel: By gently cleaning the skin surface, it removes excess oil and dirt, preventing pore clogging and allowing the skin to breathe.
Glyco Tonic: With its alpha hydroxy acids content, it helps shed dead cells on the skin, thereby regulating sebum production.

To counteract oily skin, make your skincare routine with natural, vegan products!